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New Year, New You?

Table of Contents

The year that just ended was a great one for the Crosson Law Group. We won excellent results for a good number of clients, received referral after referral from former clients, other attorneys, doctors, friends, neighbors, and business acquaintances, and signed on a record number of new cases that we strongly believe in and that will allow us to make real, meaningful differences in the lives of our clients and their families. We brought on new staff to help us execute on our mission, and closed out 2018 with some great ideas for reaching deeper into our community and helping a lot more people in 2019.
As part of our plan to build a stronger presence in the region and become both a prominent contributor to our community and the most-trusted resource for victims of careless driving and other acts of negligence, we have adopted a new name – Piedmont Injury Law – and a new look, new web domain, and refreshed enthusiasm for helping injured people in the community.
Piedmont Injury Law is the same law firm you have known as Crosson Law Group. Except in the ways it isn’t. Piedmont Injury Law is bigger, gives even better – and ever-improving – service to our clients, and is more focused than ever on serving our region as a whole and creating a community and movement devoted to lifting us all up and improve lives along many different dimensions.
We know that 2019 Is The Best Year Ever and we are tremendously excited to share it with you! Please forward this newsletter to your social network so they can learn about what we are doing and join us!