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What Are the Most Common Injuries in Georgia Car Crashes? Facts from a Marietta Car Wreck Attorney

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In a matter of seconds, a serious car accident can change a person’s life forever. In addition to the property damage, many victims face expensive health-care bills, and some cannot return to work. Fortunately, a car wreck attorney may be able to help you recover some of these losses via a civil lawsuit.


Some car accident injuries – especially those to the neck, head or spine – require ongoing care. Instead of falling into debt, many victims choose to pursue damages against the at-fault party, and these can include compensation for future medical expenses.

If you were injured in a collision with a negligent driver in Georgia, then contact the Piedmont Injury Law. A Marietta accident lawyer can evaluate your case to determine if you may have valid grounds for a lawsuit. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at 678-909-0770.

Until then, read on to learn four injuries that are common in car accidents:

  1. Head Injuries

According to the American Speech Language Hearing Association, head injuries are among the most common effects of car accidents. The force of the impact can cause drivers and passengers to hit their heads against the dashboard, steering wheel or window.

Head injuries do not always require physical contact. The impact can be strong enough to move the brain within the skull.

If this happens, then the victim may need immediate medical attention to stop internal swelling and bleeding. Contusions, concussions and diffuse axonal injuries are common head injuries in crashes.

  1. Neck Injuries

Most people have heard of “whiplash,” but few realize how serious it actually is. Whiplash occurs often in both minor and serious car wrecks.

A sudden stop can force the head forward, jarring the neck and tearing muscles, nerves and ligaments. Such a force can cause a serious injury with symptoms ranging from pain and small muscle spasms to paralysis.

  1. Back Injuries

Many accident survivors suffer some form of back pain. However, some cases are significantly worse than others. Many victims have to ensure long-term therapy to get some semblance of their old lives back. Others never walk again. If you notice numb limbs, persistent pain, weak muscles or coordination problems, then seek immediate medical attention.

  1. Chest Injuries

It is no secret: Seatbelts save lives. In fact, they are the most important pieces of safety equipment in any vehicle.

However, seatbelts can cause injuries to the chest. Still, drivers and passengers are more likely to suffer a serious injury or die if they do not wear seatbelts.

Those who do not wear seatbelts often suffer broken ribs, collapsed lungs and serious respiratory problems. If your chest hits the steering wheel or dashboard in a high-impact collision, the blunt force trauma can hurt you more than your seatbelt will.

If you were injured in a car accident in Georgia, then contact Piedmont Injury Law at 678-909-0770 to learn your legal options. A Marietta accident lawyer can collect evidence, talk to witnesses, handle correspondence with insurance companies and fight for a fair settlement to your case.