Lawsuits are by their nature adversarial, which means that there is always another side. Because it takes two to tango, it is very difficult to say how long a case will take. If you have a strong claim, the other side recognizes it, and the two sides can agree on a quick resolution, your case may not take much time at all. If the other side wants to dig in their heels and drag things out as long as possible, things can take a very long time.
That said, in a personal injury case that settles without litigation, you can typically count on wrapping things up within six months of your finishing medical treatment. If the case goes into litigation, even a straightforward lawsuit generally takes 18-24 months to resolve, either through negotiation, mediation, or trial. Unfortunately, until a case is resolved you can’t know what it is going to take to resolve it. A case that seems like it should settle can sometimes require litigation all the way through trial, and instead of taking a few months end up taking a few years. Complex litigation, or cases that take detours through the appellate courts, can take even longer. It is not unheard of for a case to take five years to get to trial, or even more.
Fortunately, we do everything we can to prepare your case thoroughly from the beginning, and press things forward as quickly as we can to get you a quick resolution. In the civil justice system some things our out of our hands, but we do our absolute best to move quickly on those things we can control.