Super Speeder Law
State ‘Super Speeder Law’ Gets Tough On Illegal Speeders
Since January 1st, 2010 the ‘Super Speeder Law’ has been in effect in Georgia. And any high-risk drivers who make a habit of ignoring posted speed limits will be the first to feel the pinch of higher state fines (called fees) on their wallets.
How much higher? The law tacks-on another two-hundred-dollar state-fee for any driver convicted of speeding at 75-or-more on any two-lane roads…OR convicted of speeding at 85-and-over anywhere in Georgia. Those fees will be in addition to any local fines already in effect in the jurisdiction where the speeding offense occurs.
Who is a SuperSpeeder? Under the provisions of this law, any driver convicted of a violation will now be classified by the state as a ‘Super Speeder’ and subject to the above-mentioned fee. The law is designed to get tough on high-risk drivers who endanger other motorists and ignore warnings to slow down. On average, there’s a speed-related death-a-day in Georgia!
The ‘Super Speeder Law’ established the new state fees to help police put the brakes on Georgia’s dangerous and illegal speeders. Failure to pay the ‘SuperSpeeder’ fee results in an additional $50.00 fee and the suspension of the offender’s driving privileges and license. ‘Super Speeder’ is a highway safety law designed to save lives on our roads by changing the way illegal speeders drive in Georgia… by slowing them down within legal limits.
Fees collected under the new ‘Super Speeder Law’ will be used to help fund Georgia’s trauma care hospital system where approximately sixty-percent of all trauma-care-patients are crash-related. Now, ‘Super Speeders’ will help pay for the hospital beds where their crash-victims are being treated.
Drivers need to remember…there are safety reasons for posted speed limits. Any time motorists drive at illegal speeds they put themselves, their passengers and others at tremendous risk. Crash forces double on impact with every 10mph increase in speed above fifty. Speed reduces the amount of available time needed to avoid a crash. Georgia’s ‘Super Speeder Law’ and fees went into effect January 1st, 2010.
Source: Georgia Highway Safety –
If you or someone you know has been injured by someone who was a “superspeeder”, give us a call for a consultation (678-909-0770) or email us at