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7 Common Pedestrian Mistakes That Lead to Injuries on Halloween

On busy streets filled with speeding and often distracted drivers, pedestrians are walking targets. On Halloween, the risk of a pedestrian accident is higher than on most days of the year.

Children who go trick-or-treating on October 31 run the risk of being hit and injured by drivers who are distracted, drunk or otherwise negligent. Data from the child-safety organization Safe Kids shows that on average, twice as many child pedestrians are killed on Halloween than on any other night of the year.

The main reason for this might surprise you: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration warns that of all the road accidents on Halloween, more than one-third involve a drunk or otherwise impaired driver.

If the worst happens and your child sustains an injury on Halloween, contact Piedmont Injury Law. Ken Crosson is a personal-injury lawyer in Marietta who will help you claim compensation for health-care expenses and other damages.

Call 678-909-0770 to schedule a free initial consultation. You can also learn  more about car accident injury lawsuits in Georgia by visiting USAttorneys.com.

Don’t Let Your Children Make These 7 Mistakes while Trick-or-Treating

Halloween should be a fun and exciting time for all children, and it is usually a safe and accident-free event. However, all it takes is one drunk or negligent driver to cause a tragedy.

Before you let your children head out on the hunt for candy this Halloween, make sure they understand the risks of making these common pedestrian mistakes:

  1. Not wearing bright and reflective clothing – your children’s costumes should be easy to see in the dark so drivers will notice them on the road;
  2. Crossing incorrectly – use crosswalks and look left, right and left again before entering the road;
  3. Walking alone – your children should walk in a large group so they are more visible to drivers;
  4. Being distracted – your kids should never listen to music or use their cell phones while walking in or adjacent to roads;
  5. Walking in the road – stick to the sidewalk whenever one is available;
  6. Getting lost – only take familiar routes, and parents should know where their children are at all times; and
  7. Not carrying a flashlight – a flashlight will make your child more visible to drivers and help him or her spot tripping hazards.

Unfortunately, even the safest pedestrians can fall victim to negligent motorists. If your child is hit by a driver while trick-or-treating, contact a Marietta personal-injury attorney from Piedmont Injury Law.

Ken Crosson is an accident lawyer who will help you pursue justice and compensation from the at-fault driver. He will help you avoid mistakes during the claims process such as accepting a low settlement or making recorded statements to insurance adjusters.

Our office is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call 678-909-0770 to schedule a free initial consultation.