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5 Tips to Help Truckers Avoid Speed-Related Accidents – Advice from a Marietta Injury Attorney

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Drivers and passengers are not the only victims of truck accidents. Families and friends can suffer emotional trauma and financial hardship – especially if the crash caused a death or injuries. This is where an injury attorney may be able to help.

If a truck driver’s reckless or negligent behavior caused the wreck, then the victims may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and non-economic damages. There are several ways that driver negligence can contribute to an accident, but according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is a leading cause.

Because trucks are large and often carry heavy loads, they need extra stopping distance. Speeding can easily lead to a rear-end accident, and if the driver makes a sudden turn, then a rollover is a real possibility.

If you would like to discuss your wreck with a Marietta truck accident lawyer, then contact the Crosson Law Group, LLC. Ken Crosson can handle settlement negotiations on your behalf and fight for the maximum compensation. Call 678-909-0770 to speak with a Georgia truck accident attorney.

Until then, read on to learn five tips to avoid speed-related truck accidents:

  1. Drive Carefully on Ramps

Trucks can easily roll over on exit and entrance ramp  – especially if they are travelling at unsafe speeds. Drivers should slow down when approaching a ramp and take a few seconds to study its curve and rise. This will help you understand how to navigate the ramp safely.

  1. Be Mindful in Dangerous Conditions

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration advises truck drivers to reduce their speeds when road or weather conditions are bad. Inclement weather contributes to a multitude of truck wrecks. This is because the truck’s size, weight and load make it more prone to spinning out of control in icy, windy, rainy or snowy conditions. Drivers cannot stop quickly, so they must maintain slower speeds.

  1. Approach Curves Cautiously

If you cannot see approaching cars, then there is a very real risk of a head-on collision. If the road starts to bend, then reduce your speed. Trucks are vulnerable to rolling over when entering curves at high speeds because they have a higher center of gravity.

  1. Respect Construction Zone Speed Limits

Road construction zones are particularly dangerous. Workers are vulnerable to injuries, so it is critical that truck drivers reduce their speeds according to posted signs and traffic laws. Avoid sudden braking and evasive action in construction zones.

  1. Adjust Your Speed to Your Load

Commercial trucks often carry loads that approach the legal capacity. Overloaded trucks are not uncommon.

The additional weight puts extra stress on the truck’s high center of gravity, which increases the risk of a rollover. Heavy loads also add momentum, which means drivers need a longer time to slow down.

Drivers and passengers in regular-sized vehicles often suffer the brunt of the impact in truck crashes. Serious injuries are common, and these can cost tens of thousands of dollars to treat.

If you were injured due to a negligent truck driver, then you should not have to pay these expenses out of your own pocket. Call a truck accident lawyer at 678-909-0770 to discuss your legal options.