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Marietta Injury Lawyer Reveals 5 Safety Tips for New Drivers

Inexperienced drivers are at a high risk of causing accidents. They also lack the skills to notice and avoid certain hazards. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car crashes kill more teens than any other factor. Male teens are twice as likely to wreck as females. […]

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How Much Does Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

Piedmont Injury Law is paid when we win your case after you have been seriously injured in an accident We handle every injury case for a fee that is contingent on our winning your case. Our fee is a percentage of whatever amount we are able to recover for you. This value-based system guarantees that […]

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What is a “Slip & Fall” Case?

  We all understand the concept of duty. Parents have duties toward their children, children toward their parents, husbands and wives have duties toward each other, and anytime you take a job you agree to undertake certain duties. While some duties are prominent and obvious, others sit in the background, almost invisible. For example, everybody […]

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What is Negligence?

We all understand the concept of duty. Parents have duties toward their children, children toward their parents, husbands and wives have duties toward each other, and anytime you take a job you agree to undertake certain duties. While some duties are prominent and obvious, others sit in the background, almost invisible. For example, everybody has […]

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Marietta Injury Lawyer Explains 4 Ways Passengers Can Be Less Distracting

Most car wrecks are preventable. Driver distractions, which are leading causes of crashes, kill thousands of people and send more than 400,000 to hospitals each year, according to Distraction.gov. […]

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Top 3 Vehicle Safety Features – Overview from a Marietta Injury Lawyer

Regardless of how defensively you drive, it is impossible to control the actions of other motorists. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 people die in car crashes for every 100,000 Americans. You should never become complacent while driving, but if you are injured by a negligent motorist, then an injury lawyer […]

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