
Available by phone 24 HRS/DAY, 7 DAYS/WEEK

Raising the Bar: Personal Injury Lunch & Learn – April

  •  April 29, 2021
     8:30 am - 10:00 am

Dr Gilles LaMarche will speak on Building a Purposeful Practice and Business.

Most businesses know what they do and how they do it, but very few can articulate “Why” they do it. During this presentation Dr. LaMarche will share insights and processes learned from his mentor, that he applied to build and maintain a practice that was coined the largest chiropractic practice in Canada. 

Click Here to Register as a Virtual Attendee

Click Here to Attend In Person

Our bi-monthly events are built to help everyone improve their practices and create better outcomes for clients. Lunch is provided for in person attendees by The Concussion Center, a Topple Company.

*This is a hybrid event meaning you have the choice to attend in person or online. It will be recorded for those who wish to view the presentation at a later date. If conditions change and require a completely virtual event, we will notify you immediately.

Click HERE to sign up for Raising the Bar emails so you never miss an event!


Venue Phone: 770.485.1114

Venue Website:

3070 N Main St, Kennesaw, Georgia, 30144, United States